Dress like the superhero who has a hard time being a superhero.
Yes, Spider-Man is a superhero, but hes not deriving any enjoyment from it.
In fact, since becoming a superhero, his life is forever complicated by a steady stream of vengeance-seeking, animal-themed supervillains.
Unfortunately, if he throws away the costume and proclaims something silly like, "SPIDER-MAN NO MORE," he has no choice but to reclaim the now putrid costume and perform at childrens Birthday parties to pay the rent.
Our Spider-Man Suit-Up Mens Costume T-Shirt features the printed appearance of Spider-Mans classic costume complete with illustrated musculature, webbing, and uncharacteristically bold Spider-Man Symbol.
Yes, this Spider-Man costume t-shirt for men reflects the struggling spider-themed hero beset by a surplus of average, everyday problems mixed with soul-eating costumes and psychotic flying goblins.

SpiderMan SuitUp Mens Costume TShirt